Converts between different units of fuel efficiency

Fuel Efficiency Unit Converter

Use our free online calculator to perform various operations with fuel efficiency such as convert between different fuel efficiency units. Our easy to use converter allows you to convert every MPG to L/100km or km/L in a matter of seconds.

What is a Fuel Efficiency Unit Converter?

A fuel efficiency converter can assist you to compare fuel consumption rates of vehicles no matter which units are accepted around the globe. It's essential for:

  • This may be seen when comparing vehicles from different markets; an Australian style vehicle to an Argentine style vehicle.
  • Exploring Fuel economy standards
  • From the imperial to the metric and back
  • Determining the travel expenses in different countries

Why We Do What We Do and How to Use Our Fuel Efficiency Converter

  1. Choose your current preference of unit where 1 unit is equal to MPG, while another unit can be L/100km or km/L.
  2. Please, type the number that you would like to convert.
  3. Choose your target unit
  4. Know the result of your conversion immediately

Common Fuel Efficiency Conversions

Quick Reference Table

U.S. MPG L/100km km/L
25 9.4 10.6
30 7.8 12.8
35 6.7 14.9
40 5.9 17.0

Popular Conversions

  • US MPG to UK MPG
  • L/100km to MPG
  • km/L to L/100km
  • MPG to km/L

Practical Examples

Example 1: US to European Standards

  • US Vehicle: 30 MPG
  • European Equivalent: 7.8 L/100km
  • Calculation explained: 235.215/30 = 7.8 L/100km

Example 2: Asian to European Standards

  • Japanese Vehicle: 15 km/L
  • European Equivalent: 6.7 L/100km
  • US Equivalent: 35.3 MPG

Why Use Our Fuel Efficiency Converter?

  • ✓ Free and easy to use
  • ✓ Instant conversions
  • ✓Constant type conversion ability
  • ✓ Mobile-friendly design
  • ✓ No registration required
  • ✓ Precise up to the second decimal point

Frequently asked questions about converting fuel efficiency

US MPG and UK MPG: what's the difference?

US and UK gallons are different sizes:

  • 1 US gallon = 3.785 liters
  • 1 UK gallon = 4.546 liters

This means that, for example, the average UK mpg ratings are 20 per cent higher than the US mpg for the same efficiency.

Which countries adopted different metric of fuel consumption instead of MPG and why is that so?

L/100km is considered more intuitive in many countries because:

  • In fact it indicates exactly fuel that has been used up.
  • I have a list filled with symbols that are the opposite of words and numerals, contrary to what is seen in word-picture correspondence; the symbols are in descending form, meaning the smaller the numbers the better the efficiency.
  • It's easier to calculate fuel cost in relation to the trip

How do I convert between English and metric measurements in car fuel efficiency?

Use this simple formula:

  • L/100km = 235.215 ÷ MPG
  • MPG = 235.215 ÷ L/100km

Tying Up All The Aspects Of Fuel Efficiency Measurements

US MPG (Miles Per Gallon)

  • Is most prevalent in the United States
  • Hence using higher numbers will imply better efficiency.
  • As calculated on the US gallon basis equivalent to 3.785 liters.

mpg (Miles per Gallon)

  • A common practice in Europe and in many other parts of the world
  • The lower the numbers, the higher efficiency that should be expected from the strategy.
  • This involves determination of exact amount of fuel used in the process In this case exact measurement of fuel.

km/L (Kilometers per Liter)

  • A very popular in Japan and some countries of Asia.
  • The higher the numbers the better efficiency it is
  • Its measure in terms of a vehicle speedmeters per gallon

Ways in which fuel efficiency data may be employed

Compare Vehicles Accurately

  • In the significance and where appropriate, use of Statistical Significances, it is strongly advised that the same unit system be maintained.
  • Think of city vs. highway ratings
  • Explain variations of testing regimes

Calculate Travel Costs

  • Convert to local measurements
  • Use current fuel prices
  • Look at the distance in a proper unit.

Technical Details

Our converter uses these precise conversion factors:

  • US liquid gallon = 3.785411784 liters US dry gallon = 4 US barrels = [1/42] brokers empirical gallon = [0.0238110075] US barrels = [1/39]groupBy округRailing
  • 1 UK Gallon = 4.54609 liters
  • 1 Mile = 1.609344 kilometers

Meaning all calculations have been carried out to scale of two decimal places for measurement and practical use purposes.

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